Cupcakes for friendship day
As part of our annual FL Friendship day celebrations, we baked cupcakes for the event. (The last few years we had balloons, special heart shapes, musical dedications). Ad since it was my first time using this new microwave to bake, I decided to try out the recipe I was using (I used Magnolia's recipe as the base, but instead of using 2 types of flour, I just used all purpose flour and 2tsp of double acting baking soda) to ensure that the heat and all was appropriate for the recipe. That evening, JoTng came over to help design my trial batch of cupcakes. Check this one that she painstakingly decorated! It's got my name. =) Love it!!Really, decorating the cupcake with the stars was an exceptionally tiring task. I spent over 4 hours decorating 30 cupcakes for the FL event. Check some of the designs out. I changed the method of frosting a lil (cos I was super lazy to start the fire), so the colour came out a lil different. But since the stars were individually put, i could adjust and design each cupcake differently. But if I ever have to do so many cupcakes on this level, I'm gonna use a piped frosting. It'll be way easier.