Saturday, December 16, 2006

I am so lazy to update. It's been an event filled december so far. Syc was great! I enjoyed my little breakie to Batam. So many more things to come... And, so many decisions to make.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Whee.... After a semester of religiously staying home on weekends (or, if suay, I spend my weekends in school), I am determined to make all my weekends happening. And, happening, I hope have been what my last few weekends been as I attempt to catch up with times and visit "happening" places that I haven't been to. It has been fruitful with the sounds of r&b, hip hop, great chill out areas and the latest which I picked up when I was in Austin... Live music with great company and drinks.

And, I must say St. James Power Station really has some good lookers. =)