Saturday, October 21, 2006

I have a craving for Cajun (in particular... Pappadeaux and the Cajun crawlfish place in Houston CHinatown) food, real authentic Tex Mex food (think... Decent quesadillas that taste just right, fajitas.. yum yum...) with decently good salsa (not the yucky singapore ones...) which is served in almost every Tex Mex place in Austin and of course, not forgetting barbeque. I want Salt Lick!! And Rudy's!!! Ok... I miss Austin.

Won't anyone open a place that serves good authentic Southern food? Someone bring in the Pappadeux and Pappasitos fanchise!! Ask that Vietnamese Cajun place to open a branch here!!! And, bring in the Salt lick fanchise at the same time!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Just a few verses Andrew shared with me, and I'm really going to hold on to them, cos I know that what I am praying for is definitely what please God and what is in His will. =)

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.
Mark 11:24 (New Living Translation)

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.
1 John 5:14-15 (New Living Translation)

Monday, October 16, 2006

I hate the haze. It's irritating my eyes, my skin, my nose.. GRrrrr... and I can't go out to jog cos it's too think and unhealthy. I should consider reactivating my California fitness gym membership at this rate... Gee...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Paul's wedding on 26th August
Look at the little boy who captured my heart!!! Caleb is jus getting cuter by the day!! Can't get enough of that boy la. =)

IMF S2006 - HLO's treat at Pizza Hut (Plaza Singapura) (and I MADE it a point to bring my camera to make up for the photos i had lost out on during work. So, LOTS of photos...)
IMF working buddies (last picture) L-R Front row: Denise, Michelle, Elliot, Zaki, Me. Back Row: Ruojing, Zhanyi, Xing Yee, Athen, Adib

IMF S2006 - Snap shots of us at work and our work desk. The photos are courtesy from the HLOs' camera phone. We all didn't bring our cameras to work, so we didn't get any photos taken. So basically, these are the few snapshots that we managed to hijack from the phone. I actually wanted to bring mine, on thursday, but Zaki called to say the student volunteers need not work. So... Yar.. so, sad.. didn't really get to take any photos during our work period.
What's in the photo? Our other HLO, Hassan; the other vain HLO who keeps taking pictures of himself.. keke...; the feedback form box; our work desk; the Info desk signages; the BMW!!! for the HOD; Adib, Xing Yee, Zaki, Honey; Honey, Denise, Athen, Michelle; and Athen pretending to work. Hehe...

This post is to tell you, that this website is still alive... However....

I've been trying to get the next post up for the longest time (at least my 5th time trying it over the last few weeks!!!!) But, somehow, there's some major problem with blogger and my photos. I just can't seem to upload them. And, yes... Together with the photos, i lost my whole chunk of updates. Grrr.... I got so fed up after doing it for the 4th time, i decided not to post until blogger decided to be nicer to me. So, if you don't see the next post of photo updates (well, for the past 4 times, I have been typing quite a bit of commentary, although with each passing time, the commentaries get shorter), so if the next post gets posted up... i hecking the commentaries. Sorry about that.. Jus simple titles. Commentaries maybe next time when I'm in a better mood.