Training course in Bugis
Here I am at Bugis again for my Microsoft Excel (expert apparently) class. And, I'm totally bored. I wanna go home soon!! Haha... My naughty "pai kia" student behaviour is coming into play again.
I had the Access class a couple of weeks ago and it was a good refresher from work. It was on a 2 day course starting on Thursday. And since I didn't have to wear working clothes (I was clad in my jeans and t-shirt), it felt like going back to school. And I felt like I had a long weekend, cos my brain was off work for 4 days straight.
This time my course is right smack in the middle of the week. Tuesday and Wednesday. So, I have to be back at work on Thursday and Friday. And, I know that I've got quite a bit of work waiting for me back at the office. Nonetheless, I shall enjoy my course while it lasts. But, being in Bugis for so many days was quite a bore. I wasn't in the mood to shop and anyway, I didn't see anything that caught my eye. Oh well... I can't wait for next week's training in City Hall. Haha...